KWPA Senior Caucus updates

April 1, 2022

Dear Senior Caucus members,

I left Seattle for the disconnected Galápagos Islands on March 22, 2022 feeling confident there would be no new developments regarding COVID while I was away, and comfortable there would be no need for an update this month for the first time in two years since the process for full agreement on guidelines for the boosters have previously taken a month to complete after FDA approval.

But, low and behold, eight days later and reconnected, the FDA had approved the booster and the CDC and Western States had met within 24 hours to approve new guidelines. That is quite remarkable turnaround time! The country has learned a lot about how to efficiently move research results into practice over these two years.

As soon as the new guidelines were approved, KPWA, as always, jumped into action under the leadership of Dr. Barbara Detering who has kept us informed of plans as soon as they are developed. Here are the important points for Caucus members to share with their families and communities. I’ll be back in mid-April if you have other questions I can help address and do a regular update in May.

  1. Everyone over age 50- and 18-49-year old’s who are significantly immune compromised is eligible for a second booster of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine four months or more after their first booster.

  2. After a COVID infection you need only wait until you are symptom free to get a booster.

  3. In response, KPWA immediately started offering the booster to eligible people if they had a clinic appointment for another reason IF that clinic was a COVID vaccination site and had the vaccine available.

  4. The COVID team immediately started the process of opening a mass vaccination site at the Renton main campus and at select local clinics, as in the past. The hope is to have these staffed by Tuesday, April 5, 2022. Appointments will be available online or by phone for these sites as soon as available. Try online first, as you did with your last booster. You will likely be able to get the second booster at the same place you got the first. But give them some time to get the staffing and website up and running as efficiently as in the past, please. There are only a few reasons to rush to get the booster, like travel plans.

  5. “Do you think I should get one” is the question I always get. The studies have shown that boosters are most effective at the time of a surge. Since we have no crystal balls about surges I will likely wait personally until 6-8 months after my last booster towards the middle/end of summer or when there are signs of a surge like there was last August. I will certainly let you know when I do from Dr. Detering if a surge seems to be starting.

I hope this helps! Certainly ask your health care team if you have any other questions.

My best to all,


Christine Fordyce, MD
Chair, KPWA Senior Caucus


2022 Legislative Report - Kaiser Senior Caucus


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