Advocacy in retirement

Annie Iriye, MD, an advocate for women’s reproductive health care, was featured in the Washington Post article “Spread of Catholic hospitals limits reproductive care across the U.S.”

From Dr. Iriye:

“Many of us were alarmed by the overturning of Roe v. Wade.  Women of all ages had grown accustomed to being able to make their own personal health care choices for multiple decades. This ruling will not only impact the women of reproductive age but will have far-reaching consequences in our society. Washington state and other similar states have led the way to provide protections for our patients, both young and old, by progressive-minded advocates and legislators.

I have been active in the Washington American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology advocacy efforts to maintain as well as increase the reproductive rights of women in their health care choices. I gave testimony to the Washington Legislature in support of Senate Bill 5140 - Protecting Pregnant Patients Act, which was passed and signed by Governor Inslee on May 10, 2021. This bill ensures health care entities cannot prevent qualified providers from providing appropriate care to patients whose health or life is at risk due to a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. This will allow qualified providers to freely inform and care for their patients no matter where they present. I pointed out to our legislators that physicians have taken the Hippocratic Oath (to do no harm) and in that spirit, we must give our patients evidence-based information, counsel and options for them to consider in their health care decisions."


Climate change is a public health crisis


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