In Memoriam: Irene R. Japha, MD ( April 18, 1954 - December 9, 2024)

Irene R. Japha, the most wonderful and beloved mother, daughter, wife and physician passed away peacefully at home yesterday, 12/09/24, with Early Onset Alzheimer’s diagnosed about 14 years ago.  She had turned 70 this year.

Her brain will be donated to UW Neuropathology for Alzheimer's Research.

She had been a prototypic "SuperWoman" of her day, as a professional and a mother, but so conscientious in her parenting she reduced her work hours and volunteered in classrooms.  She had been a GHC family doctor about 25 years, known for her smart and caring bedside manner, and admired as a colleague.  She had been a GHC Clinic Chief once (the "experimental" joint GHC/VM clinic in West Seattle, not her cup of tea.) We were able to care for Irene at home the whole time with the daughters and their husbands sharing in the care, along with caregivers.

Memorial Service information:

  • Monday, December 16, 2024 - 1pm

  • Sunset Hills Memorial Park - 1215 145th Pl. SE. Bellevue, WA 98007

Picture information: Irene and her daughters, Mikaela and Rebekah, Queen Anne ~1990; then at Whistler, Aug 2006;
Main photo: Irene picked a rambuctious puppy from a Havanese breeder, the only dark one, and named him Asimov ~ 2013.


In Memoriam: Manfred K. Joeres, MD ( January 11, 1937 - December 3, 2024)


In Memoriam: James “Luke” Olson, MD ( March 5, 1946 - July 9, 2024)